Saturday, January 26, 2019


Summary: Our action comedy film, which has yet to have a title, will start out in a classroom where students are taking a test. Since we have limited access to where we want to take our film, we thought it would be easier if we filmed at the school. In the first picture the shot focuses in on a specific student's id badge and then pulls away to show the entire class taking the exam. Then viewers start to hear the inner monologue of the character, who is unprepared for the exam, and is trying to look at other classmate's papers. Then we will have the teacher slowly walk up to the student from behind and awkwardly put their hand on their shoulder and look at the blank paper for 45 seconds exact. Using a bottle of water we will completely spill it out onto the paper, and have the student exclaim to himself that he is sweaty since he is nervous. The teacher then will leave without a word. Shots of the clock and the student will go back and forth faster and faster, and the ticking noise will get faster as well, but then it will suddenly stop. Time has come to a halt. The student realizes this and looks to see that his fellow students are completely still. He then goes over to another student's desk takes the paper and reads it, only for time to start again. Everyone stares at the student very confused.

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